Monday, September 6, 2010


This is something we all think about but I for one didn't really understand. First of all there's the diplomatic passport. In the identification world it's got to be one of the coolest things one can have. I can't be modest about it at all, it's pretty neat. I am aware of the implications and responsibilities that go with it, but as an object it's just so cool. There are however many more things that require photos of me, since when I took my passport photo I needed 12 copies.

I understand that I'm also going to be getting some kind of Greek ID card that apparently offers free entrance into some museums and my tax free status. It kind of reminds me of an all day pass at a theme park. I'll be honest as far as ID goes all day passes at theme parks where pretty much the highest honor I'd been bestowed to this point. The other 10 photos I took for the passport folks are pretty much a mystery to me at this point. I'm sure records somewhere use them for some reason to keep track of me, but I'll never know for sure.

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